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Status: OUTBREAK!!!
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Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:33 am ]
Post subject:  Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Name: Status: OUTBREAK
Genre: Zombie/Apocalyptic
Description: A text based Zombie game ive been working on for about a month now, ive coded it from scratch using the QuadChat source as a base. More will be explained below.

Storyline: (Note: this is still under work, this is just to give you an idea about what its goin to be about)

It all started back in Crescent City, on June 3rd, 2009. The first cases turned up then. By the 5th, the city was turning into shambles. On June 9th, 2009, the police forces collapsed, all hope seemed lost. But then, a group of survivors banded together, bringing hope to the other non infected residents of Crescent City, but the cause of this outbreak is still unknown. They began building strongholds, places of haven for any survivor. They repelled attacks from the zombie hordes and criminal and outlaw gangs. They began corrdinating supply drops with the military holding quaritine on the city. Hope was restored.

June 27, 2009
The survivors from various strongholds begin communicating with eachother. They create a plan to begin the building of a massive stronghold. One which would be easily defendable, and would be a safe haven for all survivors in or near the city.

July 12, 2009
The basic outer fort walls has been built and reinforced. Survivors begin to move to the new stronghold, bringing with them, many skills and supplies.

July 24, 2009
Most basic buildings have finished construction. All are very crude but will do. People have settled in. A garden is built to supply fresh food, and other nescessary facilities are working. Cause of the outbreak is still unknown.

This is where you come in. You will be a survivor residing this newly created safe haven. You may venture out into other parts of the city looking for supplies, or building your own shelters. You can link up with other survivors and band together. You can go about looting abandoned stores and homes. Or walk about cleansing the streets of the undead. You may also try to find a cure for this disease.

Havent started on this feature
this feature is partly completed
This feature is completed and working

/Looting system - search for items to trade with other survivors or just keep for yourself
/Original Map system - yes thats right, this games map system will be a lot different from other testbased games.
/Scouting - scout out the map your on for looting points, NPCS, shops, and other information.
/Along with visual inventory and shops.
/Build your own shelters - you can create your own shelter outside of the safe haven to store you looted items, and to regenerate your health.
/Create clans with other members - band together with other survivors to create your own survivor group
/Set up your own shops - nearly all shops ingame will be player owned shops, where players can sell thier looted items, there will of course be some NPC owned shops
/Full battle reports - after youve battled those bastards that people call the undead, read about the carnage in a detialed battle report

OK here are some, and please keep in mind that i will be changing the GUI this is just so i have something to work with.
Read what i typed into the bottom box for a description.

Ok so it may not seem like ive gotten a lot done but just keep in mind that i have completely written everything from scratch. And with no copy and pasting, seeing as everytime i try to C&P i end up screwing up the entire project.

And the story line is based of the forum RP game. Status: OUTBREAK! Youll be able to see the characters from the forum RP in the game as well. (And yes ive gotten permission to use the name and storyline)

Link: http://soutbreak.proboards83.com/index.cgi

ok if you have any questions ask away.

Author:  Jack [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Im not big for RPG Shooter's to be honest. :) but cool idea.

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

well again this isnt really a shooter, its text-based. so although youll be able to have guns, explosives, melee weapons, and maybe even a few RPG launchers. You wont actually be pointing the weapons and shooting them in this game, youll read about how your character kill the enemy in a battle report, much like a small story, that is determined by player stats, and weapons and equipment you are carrying.

ok im goin to be adding some SS here in a second.

Author:  Mithlomion [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Well.. not really text based, more like a big forum game xD.

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

somewhat.. yes and no. its based off of the forum game. Take a look at the screenies for a little more explanation.

Author:  Mithlomion [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Ooh, didnt see the screenies. Yeah looks cool.

Author:  Ravuya [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Their is already a game exactly like this

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 4:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

wouldnt surprise me, seeing as there are oh idk how many games out there...100,000?

But in all seriousness, please give me a link, id like to look at it.

Author:  Ravuya [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

i think this is it but i might be wrong

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

hmmm ya kinda like that. but with some more features. Being able to build and reinforce your own shelters, and set up shops is two.

also just had a thought. How about if like every week, a new scenario/part of the storyline comes out. Say like maybe one week there is increased military involvment, where you can find more military weapons, and such. And building cost goes down due to military help.

another week the disease may have mutated a little, bringing out some very hard to kill zombies.

just a thought, tell me what you think.

Author:  Ravuya [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

That would be pretty cool kinda makes it a bit more realistic I guess

Author:  Robin [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Sweet, I totally want to fight zombies with 4 helmets strapped to different parts of my body.

Author:  Labmonkey [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

you can only do that if your a mutant zombie and have heads on different parts of your body :D

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sat Aug 02, 2008 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

rofl ya i was just using those pics to make sure it worked properly, youll have some really BADASS helmets to attach to different parts of your body when its released xD

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sun Aug 03, 2008 8:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

ok ive started work on adding in the attacking npcs part of the game. but i need to make a decision on how im goin to do this with a text-based. so i have a few ideas and i want to see what you guys think.

1.Ok, now what i really want to do is, have it youll pick who want to attack, then the server will develop a detailed report saying how you attacked each other and such (example: playername & " spots " & NPCName & " in the distance." & Playername & " pulls out his " & Item(playerweaponslot).Name & " and sights in on " & Npcname....)

2. ok now here comes the problem, should i do some kind of loop like " do until PlayerHealth <=0 or NPC.hp <= 0 " or should i do the attacks for like a certain or random set of rounds, and whoever delt the most damage wins the attack.

3. next thought is, that dying in this game would have serious consequences, aka you lose items, or money, or you have to be reborn/respawned, where you would be back to level one, but you could still have all of your money. this of course would affect how i do idea 2. cuz if i do put this idea in. then it will prolly be based on rounds so that you dont end up dying alot and losing your stuff every 5 min.

so please tell me what you think.

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

anyone? i really need some insight on this.

Author:  GIAKEN [ Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

Do a loop.
Do Until Battle_Finished = 1

    Player HP = 0 Battle_Finished = 1

    Npc HP = 0 Battle_Finished = 1

    Player flee Battle_Finished = 1

    Something else Battle_Finished = 1

    If tmrBattleMessage < GetTickCount Then
        Blah blah attacks the NPC
        tmrBattleMessage = GetTickCount + 500 'half a second attacks?
    End If


Author:  Pbcrazy [ Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

yes that would be a good way of doin it but in my game you wont see any actual battle taking place or have real time messages, it would all be put together into like a report. but then again i guess that would work but just make it where itll add a little of the report each time it goes through the loop. But i still have to take into consideration on what item type the weapon is and such.... Im begining to think rightin the attack part for a regular visual game would be easier :shock:

got another question/idea: Do you guys think it would be more fun where if you died ingame, it would be a very very bad thing and you would end up saying something to the effect of "F***ing Son of a B****, i can believe i just died!!" or where dieing would be too big of a deal?

Author:  GIAKEN [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

I don't like the idea of the report...that makes the battle way to un-interactive. People should be able to flee or do a skill or spell or heal or whatever during the match...

Author:  Pbcrazy [ Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!

hmmmm ok, but since this is a zombie apocalypse i dont think theres goin to be any spells. ill think about it.

[EDIT] Ah ha!! ive figured out what im goin to do. You will recieve a little part of the report ever like say 2 seconds, that will give you time to flee or heal yourself. but with this. ill make it so that if you die either youll loose all of/part of you money/exp/items so that will make aware and afraid to die. :D I like it, that is what im goin to do.

Author:  wanai [ Tue Dec 14, 2021 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!


Author:  wanai [ Thu Feb 10, 2022 12:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!


Author:  wanai [ Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!


Author:  wanai [ Thu Jun 16, 2022 1:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!


Author:  wanai [ Sat Sep 10, 2022 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Status: OUTBREAK!!!


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