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Some PdoA Screenshots.
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Author:  Matt2 [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Some PdoA Screenshots.

Here are a bunch of random Screenshots of PDoA, since I've never posted them anywhere else but my own forums. Lol.

Testing Hyperbeam, being shocked that it did so little damage.

The ability to select almost every aspect about your starting Pokemon.

A random battle.

Another random battle.


Customizing your characer on account creation...


So it'll show up here, where it matters.

Random battle!

Just randomness.

Author:  Lea [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

It doesn't look like a game...

Author:  Matt2 [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Dave wrote:
It doesn't look like a game...


I'd like more than a single sentence response...

Author:  Spodi [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Matt wrote:
Dave wrote:
It doesn't look like a game...


I'd like more than a single sentence response...

A game. It doesn't look like one.


Not much being shown on the actual map - is that because its pretty much the same (minus the pokemon encounters of course)?

Author:  Lea [ Tue Dec 11, 2007 11:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Well, it doesn't look like a pokemon game. It looks more like an app the creators of pokemon would throw together to test the balance of the game without having to play it for 1000000 hours.

Also, You're not limited to VB controls just because you're using VB. Start writing your own controls, and implement a REAL GUI.

Author:  Matt2 [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Dave wrote:
Well, it doesn't look like a pokemon game. It looks more like an app the creators of pokemon would throw together to test the balance of the game without having to play it for 1000000 hours.

Also, You're not limited to VB controls just because you're using VB. Start writing your own controls, and implement a REAL GUI.

Let me inform you that the game is just in it's testing beta stages.

It's no where near done.

So, consider that, then reformat your post. You act as if this has been finished for ages. The rudeness of your posts are starting to bug me.

Anyways, more screenshots! Woo!

so i hurd u liek mudkipz

Screenshot of phone and email in action

Mockup PC Box system. =D

Author:  Tony [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Not bad.

I like it. Although the GUI is pretty nasty o___o

Also, you should really make the battle sys. like the Pokémon game itself.
The form is just TOO big.

Author:  Dreamclaw [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Ew ..

Yeah, I agree with Kuja here. The gui is indeed nasty, but the game content looks hot. Just the gui .. Change the gui!

Author:  Matt [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

I'm sure he's going to change it. Besides. The GUI is the least important thing. If everything is coded correctly and fun to play, then the GUI isn't important at all.

Author:  Robin [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Perfekt wrote:
I'm sure he's going to change it. Besides. The GUI is the least important thing. If everything is coded correctly and fun to play, then the GUI isn't important at all.

I don't play games which have ugly Guis.

First thing which stands out in the game is the GUI.

Author:  Dreamclaw [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Well, at some point, perfekt is right about stuff. However, I also agree with Robin; first impression of games are GUI. So I personally think GUI has top priority.

Author:  Lea [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

What's so hard about making it look and feel like the pokemon games? Their interface is much simpler than this.

Author:  William [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

I like it, although you still need to put a lot more work onto it. First of all, you should remove all the frames and such and use a GUI instead. And try making everything a little bit easier to understand. Cause everything seems a little messy atm.

Good Job :)

Author:  Matt [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

GUI is the least important thing for any game. Anyone more worried about the GUI vs gameplay, is a fucktard. Simple as that. If the game sucks but has a nice gui, you going to play the game just to look at the gui? No. But will you play a game if it's got an awesome community, great features, and is overall fun, yet has a horrible gui? Odds are, yes. For some time at least.

Author:  Dreamclaw [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

You're looking it from your perspective. Im quite sure that 7/10 of the people would like to see

1. A nice game, with super features and stuff.
2. A very nice GUI, with great feeling to it

If you have both, you have +10 appealing.

You can't just make an awesome game with super features without a great gui.

That's just not worthy (IN MY OPINION). I decide the game first by my impression of the GUI, then I'll look into the game, but ofcourse there are variaty's of how people will judge the game.

Author:  Robin [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Perfekt wrote:
GUI is the least important thing for any game. Anyone more worried about the GUI vs gameplay, is a [edit]. Simple as that. If the game sucks but has a nice gui, you going to play the game just to look at the gui? No. But will you play a game if it's got an awesome community, great features, and is overall fun, yet has a horrible gui? Odds are, yes. For some time at least.

I'm not saying they should be more worried about the GUI than the game, but it shouldn't burn the users eyes and it shouldn't fight for attention vs. the game screen.

His does both.

Author:  William [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Robin's game looked like crap before he got the new GUI, now it looks great. GUI is very important, using frames and such gives a crappy feeling.

Author:  Dreamclaw [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Whoa, he took the words out of my mouth. Exactly what William said, GUI is very important, if you are a crappy designer, or you dont even have someone who can design properly, then don't bother making an game. Would anyone play FlyFF with crappy-weird-ackward-onecoloured GUI establishements? I certaintly won't.

Author:  Spodi [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Then again, why waste your time on the GUI when the game is in development and the GUI is obviously going to change?

Author:  Matt [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Spodi wrote:
Then again, why waste your time on the GUI when the game is in development and the GUI is obviously going to change?

And Spodi is the only one paying attention!

+10 points to Spodi.

Now if only everyone else would see the obvious.

Author:  William [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Spodi wrote:
Then again, why waste your time on the GUI when the game is in development and the GUI is obviously going to change?

Looks like he got all the commands and everything out and everything looks finished to me. So I don't think he will add any more options, and even if he would. It's not hard adding more things to a finished GUI. The hard thing is to make the GUI base.

Author:  Matt [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

But there is no need to worry about the gui if he's not finished with the system. There are several things in FPO that have no gui because I'm still working on the systems. They function for the most part, but I'm not done and I move shit around a lot.

He could want to make this whole screen smaller. Were that the case, having already made a gui for it, would be pointless.

Author:  Robin [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Then get a plan and stick with it.

Author:  James [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

Agreed. It's coming along, and once you have the systems finished implement a good GUI. Designing a GUI beforehand could suck because if you make changes to the interface you have to make changes to the GUI as well.

Author:  William [ Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some PdoA Screenshots.

It kind of depends on the programmer, I always finish my GUI before I start the programming.

I know mith did the same for robin when they where in love.

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